Thursday, December 26, 2019

First Wellness Checkup

Faye had her first puppy wellness checkup today. She weighed 9.1 lbs., up from 7.5 lbs. a week ago.

Right now I feel so sleep deprived from trying to keep up with this puppy. I guess Siri was as active as this one, but I don't really remember. But she seems like a smart dog; we'll learn each others' routines and get through this.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Chirstmas Eve

Siri seems to be trying to at least tolerate the new puppy.

Can't quite reach it yet.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Meet Faye

Meet Faye, the newest member of the pack:

Faye was born November 8, one of a litter of seven. I thought about naming her Seven, after Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, on Star Trek Voyager, but that seemed like a lot of name for a little dog.

I was thinking of Lena. My coworkers were voting for Lexi.

I also liked the name Waciwi, which means Dancing Girl in the Lakota Sioux language.

When I told my mom about the new puppy today, she said right away that I should name her Faye. Faye is from Old English Faie, which means fairy. Of course I always do what my mom wants, always have. Sometimes.

Faye weighed 7.5 lbs. at her checkup on Thursday, 2.5 lbs. more than Siri did at the same age.

Right now the big dogs are being kind of skittish and standoffish with her. She tries to get close to them and they jump up and move away. Hopefully they'll get used to each other soon. The cat seems indifferent.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Catching Up, Part 2

A few pictures from my Instagram account - mathieu883 

Brea is 9 years old now, technically a senior dog, and she seems to feel the cold more than she used to. Hence the sweater. I think that's the first time I ever used the word hence.

This was captured by a camera I have outside my house. I have no idea who or what or why.

Catching Up

I was reminded today that it's been more than a year since I posted anything.  Instagram has made me lazy, and I forgot that not everyone has an Instagram account. So I'm going to post here a few of the pictures that I put on Instagram.

Biltmore estate, Asheville, North Carolina, in September of this year.

Restaurant where we ate in Lynchburg, Virginia, same trip

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia, same trip


I think this was the third or fourth time I'd been to Monticello. Each visit has been different, and it was the first time I'd been able to go into the upstairs part of the house. The garden tour and Mulberry Row tour, which talked about the enslaved people at Monticello, was excellent.

I'm not going to post any more pictures of these places because you can look them up online and see lots of better pictures.