What happened to my road?
The morning after the big storm.
Saturday morning, following Friday evening's big storm - trees and power lines down in every direction. We could go only about a third of the way down Pleasant Road before coming to the first of three fallen trees. The road was cleared by Saturday afternoon. At least nothing came down on my house or car. There was (and still is) a lot of debris - mostly tree branches - to pick up in the yard.
The only damage I experienced was the loss of the shades on the back porch, and the food in the refrigerator and freezer. We've been advised that the electricity may not be back on until Friday or Saturday.
Neighbor cat is not impressed.
During the storm, Brea appeared to be about as calm or anxious as she always is. I didn't notice any change in her behavior - no pacing or whining or trembling - unlike my other dogs, all of whom were very afraid during storms.
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