Thursday, February 6, 2020

A Trip to the Vet with Siri and Faye

Both Siri and Faye had vaccinations due, so for the sake of convenience I scheduled their appointments for the same time, something I've never done before with any of my dogs. Just in case, I took the two of them on a test drive a few days ago, although not to the doctor's office. Instead, we went to the gas station, since I had to fill my car, and then we went to Burger King, where I bought them some chicken nuggets. At both places we got out and walked around in the outer areas of the parking lot, and there were no problems.

Faye has been well-behaved on (both) visits to the doctor so I didn't expect any problems from her. Siri, however, has a tendency to announce her displeasure with very loud barking and attempts to leave, and today was no different. It did get us into an exam room a little sooner than normal.

Once in the exam room they were both pretty good.

For the record, Siri weighed 110 lbs. and Faye weighed 24 lbs.

Monday, February 3, 2020

More Pictures

Here are a few more random pictures...

In the last couple of days, Faye has started climbing up and lying on my legs as I'm sitting in my recliner.

She's going to outgrow this bed soon, her second one.